Wednesday, 16 December 2015

UK academics release algorithm measuring Personal Value in 60 seconds

Can Seratio change your life in 60 seconds?

Seratio, world leader in the measurement of non-financial  value, today launches their Personal Value (PV) campaign to measure the social impact of 1 million people for free. In less time than it takes to boil a kettle, you can now measure your PV at Measuring Personal Value takes 60 seconds and consists of 6 online questions.

According to COO Karen Bryson, “Seratio’s Personal Value service is the only place where individuals can get an overall score on their unique contribution to societal welfare. Measuring Personal Value allows us to reflect on our choices and actions – and challenge ourselves to improve our personal score and watch it grow over time.”

Seratio is the licensing arm of the not-for-profit Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) based in the UK. Developed over 4 years and across 90 universities, Seratio's algorithms measure value at citizen, family, community, team, organisational, network, regional, national, global levels and even the value of our thoughts. Their disruptive Social Earnings Ratio® is "the most rapidly adopted metric in the world" (Vatican press) already supporting  two laws in the UK – the Social Value Act 2012 and Modern Slavery Act 2015 - and has measured $4 trillion of organisations internationally.

To support measuring Personal Value, Seratio has launched a crowdfunding campaign at . A percentage of funds raised will support the Tutu Foundation to continue its work on peace and reconciliation. The Tutu Foundation UK endorses the work of Seratio to measure Personal Value, recognising that "my humanity is tied to your humanity". Measuring PV allows people to express their humanity and start to understand the impact they have on others. 

Raisa Ambros
Mobile: +39 (3203) 551053

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